Inverter Generators

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Whether you’re hitting the road in your caravan or pitching your tent in the bush, an inverter generator will keep your electronics up and running on the go. My Generator has a wide range of inverter generators for sale, designed to be lightweight, easy to transport, and quiet during operation.


Our range of inverter generators will keep your appliances and electronics charger on your caravan and camping trip. Or use the generator at home as a backup during power outages.

What is an Inverter Generator?

An inverter generator produces DC power and uses a digital electronic alternator to invert it back to a steady flow of AC power. This is perfect for sensitive electronics like stereos and laptops.

What Size Inverter Generator Should I Purchase?

To choose the right size generator you need to firstly consider your application - that is, what appliances and electronics will you use the inverter generator to power? As a general rule, a 2400W generator, such as the Cromtech 2400W Inverter Generator, is a great all rounder. A 2400W inverter generator is generally able to run your caravan and camping appliances such as fridges, phones and even caravan air conditioners (if you are looking for a generator to run your air conditioner please contact our friendly team on 1300 400 122). However, if you are looking to power larger appliances including coffee machines, then you will need to choose a larger generator such as theBriggs & Stratton 6500w Inverter Generator.

Be sure to purchase an inverter generator from a reputable manufacturer including Briggs & Stratton, Cromtech, Yamaha, MaxWatt, Engel, Hyundai and more. Shop the My Generator range today.

Briggs & Stratton Q6500 Inverter Generator: Features & Benefits